Helium, Hydrogen and Plasma, the Force of the New Science

1. Helium (He) is the first element of the periodic table and the first to be created.

2. The diatomic Hydrogen (H2) was obtained in Origin (Big Bang) by division/splitting the atom of Helium.

3. Nuclear fusion between Helium and Hydrogen has enabled the creation of all other elements.

4. The theory of "extended alpha model" of the atom is correct and Helium is the centre of the Universe and the brick chemist and physicist.

5. All chemical elements born to Helium and will come back in a continuous process of transformation, which is the most abundant element in nature although we usually look at its main branch: Hydrogen.

6. Plasma, the fourth state of matter, holds the double keys of Heaven of Physics that will open us to the correct scientific understanding of matter/energy.

7. Within a confined chemically and magnetically Helium plasma mergers nuclear fusions/fissions in low-energy leading to the creation of the chemical elements. It is possible to experiment in the laboratory but it has already been observed in nature with some balls of light. Even in the Sun’s core occur these "cold" nuclear reactions.

8. Lucifer -> Light on Iron/Lead -> Energy of Matter -> Photon on Atom -> Fission of Helium Myth and Religion tell, thousands of year, what science sold for profit does not know yet decipher.

9. The Father is Helium with two electrons, two protons and two neutrons. The Son, Christ / Lucifer, is the fact that hydrogen is found in nature in the form of diatomic molecules H2, held together by a chemical bond. Satan is the breaking or forced construction of chemical bonds. The Holy Spirit is the Plasma that splits or merges without forcing He and H acts physical universe in an intelligent and silent transmitting information to atoms, particles, waves and all the manifestations of energy. These events possess a “super-consciousness”, or the ability to always be in balance with nature and its laws of transformation/conservation.

10. The Higgs boson, the graviton, the mini black hole, the zero-point energy, the magnetic monopole, the photon... are terms that indicate the same thing: Magnetic Energy.

11. Magnetic Energy is an eternal energy and clean energy that is derived from the correct use of information transmitted from the nucleus of a Helium plasma.

This pic of a Crop Circle, is'nt only the Cartesian Space Plan but also the Origin of the Universe, of Chemical Elements and Energy, is the Helium atom when was born during the Big Bang.

6 intersecting planes with spin
6 elements with spin: 2 electrons, 2 protons -> 2 nucleons

The 6 intersecting planes forming 6 spirals that arise from Origin, the Golden Spiral. Our senses perceive the 6 spirals of matter, the other 6 are the anti-matter and dark matter still 6.

The pic represents a helium plasma and the stability of the nucleus is given by the geometric symmetry of the spin of the nucleon: 1 neutron (SDL) and 1 proton (SDR) interact with the opposite spin of the nucleon (SU), which maintains the nucleus extremely stable thanks to the strong nuclear force.

The strong nuclear force is an interaction between particles which takes place in a perfectly symmetrical and fractal manner in the Plasma of Helium, for this we can say that Helium is the Cornerstone of the Universe and the Origin of its symmetry.